Air, Water, Fire, Earth – Please!

What kind of energy do you mainly have in your ?composition?

? Are you the FIRE type, with strong passion and power, always enthusiastic, vivid for adventure?

? Or are you like WATER – adaptable, transparent, emotionally flowing, intuitive and artistic?

? Maybe you are stable, practical and present to everything around you, having a lot of EARTH energy.

? Or is the AIR energy your mirror – mental, analitical, intelectually stimulating and social?

We all have a dominant leading energy. The other ones surround it and sometimes support it. But not always is equilibrium inside of us. If one type of energy is too powerful, then there is no harmony. We have to balance them all.

Of course being aware of them is the first step.

The second is finding out what can help us to bring balance.

And this can be DECORATION. I know, funny.

The thing is that all these essential elements have to be present in a harmonious way in your home. If one or more are in excess, you can do something about it.

? Too much fire will make you feel anxious.

? But too much water will bring sadness.

? If there are too many earthly decorations and colours you will be too fixed and stubborn.

? If there are too many earthly decorations and colours you will be too fixed and stubborn.

Every illness can be the reason for an overflow of such energies. But you can use this technique to heal it – if you have too much of one element in your personality, then use the other elements more.


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