Your home can change your life

So, you?re wondering how on Earth can a house influence your life. And why. Well, let me explain.

It?s like saying your partner or your friends have no impact on you. You?re spending time with them, so just being around them changes the way you feel. Or your clothes. If you wear something you absolutly love, I bet you have a great day. The same thing with everything you interact with, human or object, place or event.

So, of course, your home transforms your mood. Even your thinking, because hey!, who?s not talking to himself about everything he sees? You can secretly complain about areas of your house, criticizing that furniture or that wall colour or maybe the lack of a better organization?.. your mind constantly chatters about problems in the nearby proximity, and that?s the way it functions, for your own sake and protection!

Now imagine you pimp your home so marvelously that your monkey mind not only can?t find anything to stress about but is in awe, complimenting everything it sees, finding apreciation and bragging yourself for the good choices you made.

So, how can these perspectives influence your day? How can a beautiful, organized home or the opposite transform your inner dialogue and even your personality?

Well, because one can make you feel content, peaceful, worthy, and the other – anxious, with low self esteem and sad.

These aspects create further actions, becoming lifestyles and attitudes that dictates the choices you make and therefore your quality of life!

This is a BIG deal.

So, yes, take care of your home so that you can live happily ever after. And be aware of the huge pottential that?s buried underneath.

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